Systematic, Inc.
Aug 18, 2023
Systematic’s latest eBook “Handbook for C4I Information Interoperability – Which Standards to Use and When” is an information-packed primer to any professional seeking to build robust interoperability capability in joint and combined environments.
The simple truth of any modern military element preparing for multi-domain operation is no action will take place in a vacuum. By definition, multi-domain operations require strong linkages to both joint forces and coalition allied partners. Knowing this tenant means the foundation for any intelligence software and corresponding Command, Control, Communications, Computers, and Intelligence (C4I) system is the ability to exchange information quickly and reliably to prevent even the most brilliant of operational plans failing due to want of effective communication between echelons. Systematic understands the importance of reliable linkages across partners and built the SitaWare suite of battlefield management tools to excel in bridging communication gaps to ensure interoperability even in the most challenging of operational environments.
It is with this goal in mind that Systematic is proud to offer its latest eBook offering “Handbook for C4I Information Interoperability – Which Standards to Use and When”. Any professional who seeks to operate on the solid footing provided by a strong and reliable communication network will find value in this publication which provides not only an accessible discussion of the challenges of C4I interoperability but also contains tangible resources to help understand and choose the right solution for their given situation.
Starting with a deeper discussion of the challenges posed by differing communication standards used by the multitude of possible partners, Systematic’s “Handbook for C4I Information Interoperability” dives deep into selecting the right ‘tool’ for each circumstance, keeping a focus on the end goal of interoperability to allow each partner to contribute intelligence to and benefit from a common operation picture.
After establishing a common starting point for discussion, Systematic’s “Handbook for C4I Information Integration” then dives deep into several information-packed resources which are valuable resources to be added to any operational planner’s toolkit. These include:
A recommended interoperability matrix.
- A quick reference guide detailing the recommended fits between communication protocol standards and desired product or tool to be utilized. This includes a standard’s suitability for both sending and receiving information and best fits for primary and secondary usage.
Comparing and Contrasting Interoperability Standards.
- Once possible solutions are identified from the interoperability matrix, Systematic has gone a step further and laid out evaluative comparisons of how each standard can or cannot be used to meet common requirements for modern operations utilizing the latest intelligence software and tools. Notably, Systematic has included standards associated with its own SitaWare suite of battlefield management software as well as commonly used standards already in use by many partners across the globe.
A Six-Step Process to Interoperability.
- Use Systematic’s six-step process to ensure your organization’s communication reliably carries the right information to your partners and Allies. This insightful process map starts at the beginning with internal comms and leads through evaluative and testing steps all the way through fully mature, complex, and reliable communication.
All these tools and more can be found within Systematic’s eBook “Handbook for C4I Interoperability – which standards to use and when”. Any operational staff would benefit from the practical knowledge contained within this publication to solve the enduring challenge of maintaining accurate communication up and down echelons and across partnerships. Even for those not responsible for C4I operations and implementation, this eBook will serve as a valuable primer to this mission critical aspect of operations and intelligence software.
Each operating standard can be thought of as the ‘tool’ for a specific application – every task has the corresponding best tool to be used. Likewise, this eBook is also a valuable tool for any Commander, operational planner, or C4I professional, one which can not only educate but also assist solving real-world problems right away. Systematic is proud to offer this resource and hopes you’ll find it an insightful read as well as a useful tool for operational use.
For more information about the Systematic’s C4I solutions mentioned in this eBook as well as the SitaWare suite operational planning and intelligence software tools, please click here or contact Systematic for a demonstration.